Watch how Jesus performs a major defeat over Satan and his dead-soul demons whom stalked and harassment driving across the United States teaching the Holy Ghost, Winning Souls back to Jesus, and battling darkness on deepest levels to Victory in the name of God's Holy Trinity which began on higher level in 2019 until 11-29-23 when the Father of the Universe gave me permission to junk the car after consistently attacked and brought a conclusion to Chapter 1 spanning 4 years and began the start of Chapter 2.
Why did our Lord take this action? Answer: The vehicle had served the Lords purpose (watch video!) and now the chains have been broken and erases satan's past evils related to car, takes away any & all glory from the devil and demons planned acts of evil conclusion, and has brought high restoration of "Holy Peace" and "Holy Joy" to Spirit & Soul as HOLY VICTORY is to the FATHER of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen
This Holy Ghost Ministry Lord God chose me to establish in 2012 is not a church, it is a GOD INSPIRED development that teaches how to grow in Holiness and achieve a relationship with God’s Holy Trinity and defeat every evil deed attempted upon your Spirit, so that you hear what our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit are commanding you to do purposefully while executing God's glory; Rebuking Satan and Binding his dead-soul demons.